Hot Tree Promotions operates under the umbrella corporation of Hot Tree Publishing Ltd.
Not only do we specialize in book promotions for authors and industry professionals, but we also have a range of other independent services available.
Hot Tree Self-Publishing
Working with our HTSP team will ensure you are guided through the whole publishing process. HTSP organize dates, schedules, and coordinate with editors and designers to ensure the whole journey is as effortless for you as possible, while also providing all of the necessary editing, design work, and promotion. HTSP is a one-stop shop for self-published authors.
www.hottreeselfpublishing.com I selfpubs@hottreepublishing.com
Hot Tree Publishing
Hot Tree Publishing opened its doors in 2015 with an aspiration to bring quality fiction to the world of readers. With the initial focus on romance and a widespread of romance sub-genres, we envision opening up to alternative genres in the near future.
Hot Tree Publishing endeavors to be a leader in bringing quality stories to the world of readers and are currently open to romance submissions.
www.hottreepublishing.com I contact@hottreepublishing.com
Hot Tree Editing
Having supported over 500 authors with their editing needs. Hot Tree Editing is firmly and proudly established in the writing and editing community. With a catalogue of books edited for New York Times and USA Today best-selling authors, the Hot Tree Editing team is highly experienced and trained. Reach out to our editing team today if you are in need of editing support.
For information head to www.onetooneauthor.com and claim your FREE guides to help you move to the next step in your publishing journey.